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A Proverbs 31 Woman Sets Everyone Up For Success

Often people get so caught up in their own career and forget to help others. A good boss makes sure their employees have what they need to finish the project, whether it’s the skills or the resources or the team needed for success.

She gets up while it is still dark; she provides food for her family and portions for her servant girls.

Proverbs 31:15 NIV

This verse in Proverbs is probably the one a lot of women wish wasn’t in the Bible. Who wants to start their day before the sun rises? Winter annoys me because I’m up before sunrise some winter days, but the sun is always up when I leave in the summer. It’s so much easier to get up on a sunny day than when it’s dark.

Any parents with young children know the price of sleeping in. If we don’t wake the children up early enough for them to eat, their mood is horrible. A stressful morning leads to stress all day. That is why we get up early. The more that we can have ready on time, the better everyone’s day is.

Modern technology means that a lot can be prepared the night before. We can create breakfast skillets or pancakes that can just be microwaved in the morning. If we really want fresh, we could make something in the slow cooker to be ready when everyone wakes up. Even if we want meals from scratch, very few of us have to get up early enough to gather eggs or milk cows before we can make a meal. It’s easy to reduce your running around each morning. Just figure out what works for you, and how to get done what needs to get done.

That Goes For Family And Employees

It’s easy to understand why we need to provide food and routine for our family in the morning. We love them and want to give them a successful day. Why should we take care of our employees, though? They’re adults and should take care of themselves, right? Where would we be if God said that about us? Yes, we’re adults who can make our own decisions, but we succeed because God gives us the skills, tools, and resources we need to succeed.

We probably don’t need to bring in breakfast for all our employees everyday. They shouldn’t need us checking their outfit every morning. They also might not need someone micromanaging them in order for them to meet deadlines, but some might need that. Get to know each employee enough to know what they need to work at their best. Some people work best alone and not distracted. Some people work best in groups where they hold each other accountable. Making sure your employees can work their best can also reduce your stress by preventing problems from starting. Showing God’s love to others since he loves us can be done at home or in the office.