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A Proverbs 31 Woman Is Financially Literate

God has given us many gifts. Nowadays most women in the United States of America have money. Even as recently as the 1950s, that couldn’t be said. Women today can own land, own businesses, make investments, buy anything they want, have their own bank accounts, go to most schools, and so many other things that historically a man had to do and women couldn’t. Yet many women are not financially literate.

I don’t mean that all women should be geniuses at the stock market or landlords of huge buildings, but do you know where your money goes every month? Most Americans have a lot of debt and very little retirement or savings. Credit cards, home mortgages, car payments, and student loans are such a part of modern America that being debt free is a distant dream to most people instead of a simple reality.

A Financially Literate Person Should Know How To Budget

When was the last time you sat down and saw where you spent your money last month? How much more in debt did you go last month? I’m still struggling with sticking to my budget, but it was eye-opening to see how much worthless money I was spending and how much my credit card debit grew when I wasn’t intentional with my money. Spending more than what we make is not a good way to be a steward of the money God does give us.

A Proverbs 31 Woman Has The Money To Invest

She considers a field and buys it; out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. Proverbs 31:16

Not only does she have her own earnings, she knows to spend her earnings on things that will gain her more money. Proverbs is about being wise. The Proverbs 31 wife is an ideal example of a great wife. She wisely makes fabric, getting up early to start her day and doing enough of the time consuming work to make enough fabric to sell. If she’s selling fabric, then her family has enough for what they need and she can sell excess. Not only does she do enough work to keep her family happy and well respected, she does the work to afford luxuries.

Financially literate people know that rest and relaxation are necessary, but wasted time can’t be gotten back again. Time management is how we can do our best at our job and outside our careers to glorify God with our abilities and possessions.

Being intentional with our time and money is a great way to live within our means. God has given us many blessings, but hiding from our debt doesn’t help us live happily. It also doesn’t help us help God. If we need to consider our debt when God gives us an opportunity to help others, we may not make the helpful decision. We don’t have to live without luxuries, but we need to know our own financial position in order to decide where to spend. Knowing what we need and what is just cool to have can help us get out of debt. Being free of debt can make us ready to help God willingly when he gives us opportunities to show others his love.