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A Proverbs 31 Woman Finishes Her Projects

How many projects have you started and not finished? Maybe it’s a book or a craft project. Maybe you started to learn an instrument or a new skill. I know I have more unfinished projects than I do finished ones. That’s why it amazes me that a Proverbs 31 woman is persistent enough to not just finish her project, but also to sell it.

She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.

Proverbs 31:24 New International Version

Proverbs 31 shows the noble woman picking out the raw materials (verse 13) and preparing them eagerly, sometimes using materials from far away (verse 14), doing the work to make the fabric (verse 19), she makes bedcovers for her family (verse 22), and also makes garments to sell (verse 24).

So not only is a Proverbs 31 woman persistent enough to finish what she starts, she also made extra. No one would sell clothes when they don’t have enough to wear or their children are naked. (Also, verses 21 and 22 say her family wears expensive clothes.)

She Is Persistent Enough To Be A Businesswoman

Have you ever tried to sell your handmade item? It’s not easy. It’s easy to set up a booth at a craft fair or a store online, but that doesn’t mean anyone will buy anything. It takes a lot of research to see what will actually be bought. The merchants will only buy what they think will sell, so she needs to know what she can sell at a price that will pay her bills as well as being at a price that the merchants can make a profit.

And she isn’t just selling one thing occasionally. The verse says she “supplies the merchants with sashes.” That means the merchants buy a lot of her sashes. Not only is she persistent enough to make a lot of cloth for garments and sashes, she also has enough persistence to do market research in order to sell her items. That is a lot more stick-to-itivness than I have and definitely something for all Christians to strive for.