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God’s Perfect Son Was Predicted Centuries Before His Birth

God’s plan is truly impressive. God told prophecies that He would send the perfect man to save sinful man from the very beginning.


In Genesis 3:15 God predicted the devil being crushed by a man. Jesus said Himself in John 12:31 that He had come to drive out the “prince of this world”.


In Genesis 49:10 Jacob gives the blessing to his son that Judah’s son would have “the obedience of the nations”. Both genealogies of Jesus (Matthew 1 and Luke 3) show that Jesus is descended from Judah’s son Perez. Judah was an older son of Jacob and far from perfect. Because his three older brothers had acted dishonorably, Jacob gave the blessing of the firstborn to his third son.


King David also received the prophecy (2 Samuel 7:16) that his line would rule as king forever. He is the last common ancestor of both genealogies of Jesus. Matthew lists his son Solomon as being Joseph’s ancestor while David’s son Nathan is listed as the ancestor of what is considered to be Mary’s genealogy.


Wikipedia lists Isaiah as having seven prophecies about Jesus, including the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14), the prediction that Jesus would preach in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2), David’s son would reign over all the nations (Isaiah 9:6-7), and Jesus would be pierced on the cross (Isaiah 53:5).

Why Are These prophecies important?

Those are pretty exact prophecies given hundreds of years before Jesus was born. It’s important to remember that God had this plan in the works since the very beginning of creation. Surely His plan for you is also in the works. My next post will show that God uses sin and bad choices to still bring his plan into existence.

If you want to read more of the prophecies about Jesus, especially the lovely ones in Psalms, here is the Wikipedia link.

God prophecied about Jesus since the creation of this world