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Are You A Fool To God Or A Fool To People?

Nobody likes being called a fool, but it’s a word that is used a lot in the Bible. My study bible lists it as being in the Bible over 50 times. The New Testament, especially 1 Corinthians, uses it as a complement, though, something Christians should strive to be. Let’s explore why it is such an important teaching in of Jesus’ to be a fool.

The fool says in his heart "There is no God" Psalm 14:1

A fool to God is someone who is known as wise to others.

Wisdom on Earth is things like science and all the self-help gurus who say that loving yourself is the key to happiness. Scientists refuse to believe in a God who created and runs all of creation. How could one being have the ability to have created a complex planet and universe? How could a being have existed before anything else existed? How can a being be everywhere in the universe, able to see everything and guide everyone? It just isn’t logical.

For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:25

God says to set aside logic and believe.

Believing in God and creation means being illogical. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead and Judgement Day means setting aside our logic and trusting God.

1 Corinthians 1:18-19

Our sign of hope is the sign of a death sentence in Rome.

Have you ever thought about the cross and what it meant? Now a days it’s a sign of hope and love, the worldwide icon of a Christian. Throughout Western history since Jesus’ resurrection, having a cross in your house or on your person was an indication that you were Christian. Some people proudly displayed it or made intricate art out of the cross. Other people have had to hide their cross. People could get killed for being Christian so crosses were forbidden luxuries. Some people today can still get killed for being a Christian in some places.

My pastor reminded our Bible study today that a cross in Rome was like the electric chair today. It was the worst punishment the Romans could give and was designed to make an example of criminals. People passed these criminals entering and leaving town and shuddered at the criminals that took days to die for their horrendous crimes. Many people alive during the Roman era shuddered at seeing a cross, yet Jesus’ death turned the cross into a sign of hope. Reread 1 Corinthians 1: 18 again with that in mind. Unbelievers who shuddered at the sight of a cross saw believers rejoicing at art about a cross. How confused do you think the unbelievers during the Roman Empire were? God turned the symbol of the worst death imaginable into every Christian’s image of freedom.

Believers are fools in the world’s view, but children to God.

Do you want to be a fool to God and logic your way out of faith or do you want to be called a fool by the world by finding beauty in the sign of corporal punishment so inhumane that it is illegal now a days? The Christian faith is an illogical thing when we try to logic it out, but a beautiful thing when we trust God to take care of us and love us no matter what the world says about us.

P.S.: If you want to hear an amazing song on this topic, look up God’s Own Fool by Micheal Card. I love the song and the singer has an awesome way with words in all his songs.

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