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An Example Of How To Deal With Anxiety By A Christian From Psalms

Anxiety is not new. The term as a mental disorder is becoming common now, but the fact is that people have had worries since the beginning of time. When worries become overwhelming to the point of disturbing daily life, we call it anxiety. Everyone has had something that caused them temporary anxiety, at least once in their life, even Christians. David is one figure in the Old Testament that had an extreme life. Some days he was really worried, like when his army was going to war, and some days he was very happy, like when his army returned triumphant from war. There were times that his worries were overwhelming, though, like the many times he was running for his life from his friend (Saul) or his son. Psalm 13 was written during a time of extreme anxiety. In it he gives a good example how to deal with anxiety by a Christian.

Psalm 13:1-2 written out

Anxious thoughts threaten to overcome David

David felt like God had forgotten him. His worries were overcoming him so he couldn’t focus on other things. When we’re having troubles, it can seem like God is far away, like He doesn’t hear our worries or care. David knew that wasn’t the case, but his worries were so strong that it was hard to see God’s love between David’s worries. So David did something to refocus on God.

So he prays to God for comfort

Look on me and answer, O Lord my God.

Give light to my eyes or I will sleep in death;

my enemy will say, “I will overcome him,”

and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

Psalm 13:3-4

David was still worried as he pleaded with God, reminding himself of God’s power. His great fear was that his enemies would overcome him, resulting in David’s death and Israel being conquered. Most people reading this probably don’t have life and death worries, but whatever is causing clinical anxiety feels like a life and death matter to those who struggle with it. I’ve never been diagnosed with anxiety, but a friend who has been told me they were told that distraction is key. During a panic attack, reassurance is the key to calming down. Before an attack, though, distraction and refocusing thoughts is the key to stopping a panic attack before it gets control. David was worried about the future, something he could do very little about. He did what he could to prepare, then he refocused his thoughts on the one person that had his future planned, God.

Then David took comfort in his knowledge that God would provide.

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me. Psalm 13:5-6

David knew he couldn’t fully prepare for the future that worried him so he took comfort in God’s love. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God’s loving plans are designed to prosper us. We will never have a truly easy life, due to sin, but God will not give us more than we can bear unless He provides help for us to bear it. It’s not easy to simply trust God to take care of us, but it is all we can really do. So much in life is out of our control, so why not try to trust God’s plan to take care of you instead of worrying.

I’m not sure where to add this fact in this post so I’ll put it here: pills can help. I don’t believe pills are needed to solve every problem, but God gave us the knowledge to create the medicine we have today. Some people have medical imbalances that thoughts and faith alone can’t fix. God says that He will help us to bear any cross He gives us and for many people that extra help God gives us is other people and/ or pills. I don’t believe it a sin to use pills God gave us to help if it is the best way for us to live the life God created us for. I don’t think pills are an answer to every little problem, but don’t refuse to take pills simply because someone says it’s a sin. If you need them, God provides them as help.

David’s tips on how to deal with anxiety by a Christian

Next time you realize your worries are turning into anxiety, try to follow David’s example. David shows us how to deal with anxiety by a Christian: focus on God and let Him take your worries for you. If praying is not enough to refocus your thoughts, my friend finds that singing hymns or focusing on coloring can reduce their anxiety while reminding them of God’s power and love. He is taking care of you and everything you worry about. Leave it all in His huge hands and focus on living life for Him.

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