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David’s Response To Doubting Faith

Doubting faith is pretty common these days. Modern Christians are often vilified for believing the Bible and it’s rules. Meanwhile the people who bully us seem to be thriving on social media. Why does God let these things happen?

When the foundations are being torn down, what are the righteous to do?

Psalm 11:3 EHV

Romans 1: 18-32

Why does God let evil things happen in the world? These verses in Romans basically say that because the world turned away from the natural knowledge of God through His creation, God let them sin. Their sin, focus on self, and tendency toward anger are their own punishment. People who want to live without God’s guidelines of love, obedience, and service will never find the love, joy, and inner peace that God created everyone for.

Christians still have doubting faith

It’s easy to look at the world and wonder if being a Christian is worth it. Why go to the effort of being faithful when it seems like everyone around you is happy without God and His rules? King David has a great response in Psalm 11.

The Lord is in his holy temple.

The Lord is on his throne in heaven.

His eyes observe.

He focuses on the children of Adam.

The Lord is righteous.

He examines the wicked.

He really hates those who love violence.

On the wicked he will rain down fiery coals and sulfur.

A scorching wind will be the cup given to them.

Indeed, the Lord is righteous. He loves righteousness.

The upright will view his face.

Psalm 11: 4-7

See the king’s face

This may seem common today and not very extraordinary, but back when this was written, it was a life goal. Before television or radio, the only way a commoner saw a royal was from a great distance. Either they were on a patio a few floors above the crowd on ceremonial days or they were passing by while traveling, surrounded by guards and servants. At those distances, it would be hard to see a face clearly. Even most of a royal court only saw the leader at a distance. The closer you stood to a royal, the higher your rank was. Even anyone bringing a petition to the ruler had to stand a bit away in respect of the rulers high rank. Yet Christians are granted the honor of seeing God’s face on Judgement Day and beyond.

How to react if you’re starting to have doubting faith:

Remember that God is watching. He sees the sinful and the believers. The sinful may seem happy now, but their eternity will be fire and brimstone. Believers will have problems in this life, but our reward will last forever.

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